Riviera Seafood Club's Kabayaki Unagi, also known as Barbecue Eel Sushi, is wild-caught in the oceans off of China. With every bite your taste buds are presented with a sweet and rich flavor, complemented by a buttery and delicate texture. Kabayaki Unagi, called simply Unagi in Japanese, is prepared as a filet.
Our BBQ Eel Sushi is pre-cooked and marinated to perfection with sweet and smoky notes and a light, delicate texture. Riviera's Unagi is of the highest quality, excellent for sushi dishes.
Kabayaki Unagi, scientifically named Anguilla japonica, will arrive frozen and must be thawed and reheated before consumption. Each ten ounce filet is individually packaged, frozen, and shipped using overnight express delivery. It will be delivered to your table in two days (one day for processing, one day for delivery).
Store in refrigerator for up to two weeks, or 6 months in the freezer for best results. This species does already come pre-cooked and pre-marinated, so all you have to do is follow the directions on the package for re-heating and voila!